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Blogger Template Setting Facility

Blogger has improved template setting facility over the time.  Blogger template setting can be access from Blogger dashboard at the left side bar.
Blogger Template Setting Facility
Blogger Template Setting Facility

Blogger Template Setting
Blogger Template Setting

By understanding the facility provided we can optimize our blogger template to achieve our desired design with minimum effort.

1. Live on Blog and Mobile View

This feature enable us see the preview of our blog on computer and mobile platform. It is available right on the Blogger dashboard template area.

2. Customize the template using Blogger Template Designer

Blogger template designer is an awesome feature. By using drag and drop we can change the blogger template in a snap. For basic customization no code is required. For advance setting we need understanding of CSS and XML.

The best thing about Blogger Template Designer is the live preview feature. We can preview the effect of our customization right away below the Blogger Template Designer control panel.
Blogger Template Designer
Blogger Template Designer

Below is the list of what we can do using Blogger Template Designer:
  • Change the template
  • Change the background
  • Adjust the width of entire blog or certain blog element
  • Change the layout. There are 8 body layout that can be choosed and 3 footer layout.
  • Advanced setting - Page Text : To change the text properties in post
  • Advanced  setting - Background : to change the collor of background image
  • Advanced  setting - Link : to change the collor of link element
  • Advanced  setting - Block Title : to change the block title properties
  • Advanced  setting - Block Description : to change the block description properties
  • Advanced  setting - Tabs Text
  • Advanced  setting - Tabs Background
  • Advanced  setting - Post Title
  • Advanced  setting - Date Header
  • Advanced  setting - Post Footer
  • Advanced  setting - Gadget
  • Advanced  setting - Image
  • Advanced  setting - Accents
  • Advanced  setting - Mobile Botton Colour
  • Advanced  setting - Add CSS
The Add CSS setting will put CSS code inside the skin declaration. In previous articel i've already tried this feature.

Read: How To Automatically Adjust Image in Blogger

3. Blogger Code Editor

Blogger has template editor to customize the template. We can create blog appearace as we like. There is no boundary. Only creativity and our skill in HTML, CSS and Javascript that limit the customization.

Blogger has enable this feature ince April 09, 2013. Please have a look on the Blogger official post below.

Read : Improvement To Blogger Template HTML

Blogger Template Editor
Blogger Template Editor

Blogger code editor has some feature that make coding much easier than before.
  • Line code is provided. It will help us tracking the error message provided
  • Different color for each code. There are so many color, i'll try to dig more information about this color later.
  • Jumpt to widget menu. We can go to certain widget available in the template
  • Fold marker for opening and closing tag. Fold marker is black arrow head that clusterized the code inside an opening and closing tag.

4. Mobile template option

Blogger provide two option on mobile device. We can choose wether to show mobile template on mobile device or showing the desktop template on mobile device. Some blogger template has already responsive design on their template. If the template has already has responsive design we can us desktop template on mobile devices.
Mobile Template Option in Blogger
Mobile Template Option in Blogger

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