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Why Blogger not WordPress

Why Blogger not WordPress? 

This is a question that some of Blogger (Blogspot Blogger) has asked very often; including me. There is still a doubt within our self, questioning our choose using Blogspot as our blogging platform. Whether it is the right choice? Should i move to WordPress? Which one is better, Blogger or WordPress?

 Should i move to WordPress? Which one is better, Blogger or WordPress?

This is my personal experience as Blogger that used Blogspot as blogging platform. Why do i choose Blogger over WordPress?What can we do in Blogger? What can not we do in  Blogger?

I've written other article talking about the comparison between Blogger and WordPress from a Blogger user perspective. Most of the article talking about this comparison are made in WordPress platform. So it is very obvious that they will tell that WordPress is better and recommend us to move to WordPress. I try to look at from Blogger perspective.

Why Blogger Not WordPress
Why Blogger Not WordPress

Read : Which one is better, WordPress or Blogger? 

These are my main reason why i choose blogger, not WordPress
  1. Blogger is free
  2. No need Web Hosting Service, it hosted by Google
  3. Reliable uptime
  4. Support Multisite easily
  5. Support Custom domain
  6. Support https (
  7. The theme is asier to customize but you need some web programming language
All those reason make me choose Blogger over WordPress. However there are some feature that only available in WordPress :

  1. WordPress can set up custom permalink style. (We have only one option of permalink in Blogger)
  2. WordPress has category and tag in article classification (in Blogger, we only have Label for article classification)
  3. Usually WordPress theme is coming with easy control panel for theme customization. There are a lot of plugins available that can be used (free or premium). In Blogger, we need to understand some HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript language

I'm happy with Blogger despite of its limitation over WordPress. It suit my need as par time Blogger who loves writing in my spare time.

So what is your need?Do you need WordPress or Blogger?

1 comment for "Why Blogger not WordPress"

  1. is backed up and managed by WordPress, thus you don't have to worry about backing up your posts.


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